Dream, Ambition and youth


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Support for Participants

Support for Participants

  • MOLIT offers various benefits to participants in order to assist their stay in Korea and to help improve their academic perftormance
  • Expenses for studying and living
  • All the necessary supports for the participants (such as accommodationg, living allowane, etc) shall be given based on the stay duration (while a participant stays in Korea) until the designated departure day by MOLIT
Support Amount Note
Airfare Actual amount paid(Round-trip airfare on an economy passenger flight, via the shortest route) *Exception
- Cannot be borne by MOLIT in special circumstances like a participant’s violation of academic regulations

- Not borne by MOLIT when a participant temporarily leaves to his/her home country during the training period

- Change/Cancellation fee has to be borne by a participant if it is caused by his/her own negligence

- Except for the above, rest are borne by MOLIT
Tuition Full amount required by a university - Borne by a training institute
Monthly Allownace KRW 999,000
per month
- The allowance shall be given strictly based on the exact number of days that a participant stays in Korea, and only applies till the designated departure date by MOLIT

- Expenses for meals, books and study supplies, if needed

- Same amount will be provided per month. However, during the first month and the last month of the program (the duration of your stay), the allowance will be given on a daily basis (KRW 33,300/day) based on the number days a participants stays in Korea

- If a participants cannot participate in the course due to a temporary leave to his/her home country, the allowance for that month shall be deducted by the amount calculated on a pro rata daily basis (KRW 33,300/day) for the number of absent days.

*The amount deducted (KRW 33,300/day) is the same regardless of the number of days in the month
Accommodation Actual amount paid - Borne by the training institute

- Electricity and other utility fees shall not be covered

- Cost of cleaning, laundry or exchange of bedding shall not be covered

*Specifications may vary depending on the Universities

*Items other than those mentioned on the PI may incur extra fees
Settlement Allowance KRW 600,000 - Expenses needed to enter Korea, such as visa fee, medical check-up fee, residence card issuing fee etc.

- Borne by the training institute after arrival in Korea

*Settlement Allowance is not intended as an incentive and is subject to incur at any time upon the institution’s request
Scholarship Completion Grants KRW 300,000 - EMS and other expenses needed for returning home (e.g. cost for sending materials)

- Borne by the training institute before departure
Insurance Fee Actual amount paid - Korea’s National Health Insurance Service [Goverment]